There are four types: the gunslinger, the mechanic, the goalie, and the unicorn.
Knowing which one you are will make all the difference.
As Trusted By:
Discover what you love and what you're great at so you can focus on getting only the results you can
Uncover the hidden danger zones and blind spots you have that could derail your business
Discover exactly what to do next to plug the holes in your business and achieve transformation
Every business starts because the owner possesses a unique blend of skills, strength, and personality. But, all too often, the things that help a business get off the ground end up being the reason it fails to stay afloat.
This quiz will give you personal insight into the kind of owner you are, revealing your unique strengths while also uncovering hidden danger zones. Everything rises and falls on leadership, so make the wise choice to discover your unique business owner profile and get the insight you and your business needs.
As a full-time management consultant, I've helped hundreds's of business owners move out of the "THIS SUCKS!" stage of business growth since 1999.
I do this by starting with an in depth diagnosis - most importantly getting to know the business owner - how they work. The business owner already usually has years of experience attempting to solve different problems. We quickly uncover the biggest time and cash sucking leaks in the business and get them fixed.
Meanwhile, we also take a longer term look at how to help the business achieve the different forms of stability needed to grow without adding even MORE stress on the owner.
All that experience and what I learned working with 100's of business owners didn't protect me from myself - my own blindspots - when I ramped up my own business.
There are four types: the gunslinger, the mechanic, the goalie, and the unicorn.
Knowing which one you are will make all the difference.
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